Friday, June 3, 2011

I may be picky...

...but it saves me a lot of trouble. Over the past few days, I've begun to realize just how picky I am...for instance, I'll only use hair ties that are tight rather then stretched out, and the color of the hair tie CANNOT clash with my outfit. It may sound a bit crazy, but the little things are important to me. Another thing I'm very conscious of is what goes on my face, from the substance to the color and even to the utensil used to apply my specific skincare products. And I've come to the conclusion that I absolutely cannot stand cotton balls. They're atrocious! Last night, I used one to take off my eye makeup and woke up 10 hours later with a horrendous itch in my left eye...after about ten minutes of rubbing my eye and prying it every which way to find the source of this terrible annoyance, I found it. It was none other then a sneaky little white fiber from a cotton ball. Shocker.

By now, you probably think I'm crazy. But I'm not, I promise; and, I'm about to prove it to you.
Survey the picture below very closely.
Cotton ball vs. Cotton pad
Am I the only person who sees those teensie weensie itsy bitsy pieces of cotton that aren't intact with the rest of the cotton ball??? THOSE are the devilish little creatures that find their way into my eyes when I'm, I'm sure you're asking yourself: "why in the world am I reading this?" That one is not my problem...but others may be asking: "hm...well, what would be the solution to the cotton ball dilemma?" The solution is simple: cotton pads. They really make a world of difference.
Moral of the story? There really isn't one. But I'll make one up: Don't settle for less then you deserve.

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