Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Confessions of a Yes-aholic

So, for those of you who know me, there are two things you hear me say all the time: "I don't have time for this." & "I'm soooo tired!"
Wanna know why? Because I can't say no. For most, stress is a bad thing. For me, it's just a part of the mess I like to call life. I cannot say no. Of course, to certain things I can. But I'm a goer and a ask me to loan you something, chances are I'll give in eventually and say yes; ask me to do something for you and you'll see it get done. I can begin any day with the idea of relaxing with a nice book and a cup of iced tea, and within two minutes, I'll be asking someone if they need a babysitter. That's just how I am. So it should come as no surprise that my first Facebook status this morning was: "no plans for another 7 hours. What to do?" & within a matter of 30 minutes, this was no longer the case. Today, I ended up bathing all three of my rather disconcerted dogs, two of whom are supposed to be "water dogs"...not. even. close. But the worst of all is the terrier: the adventurous one who never stops getting herself into trouble. Bring out the hose, and that creature is the biggest baby that this generation will ever see. All this aside, about an hour later and all three dogs were washed and in the process of sun-drying while I took advantage of the sunlight to get rid of some tan lines (and get some new ones). Two-thousand ounces of exfoliating creams later, and I was ready to run errands with my ever-patient mother. By that time, it was 2:30 pm--only an hour and a half from the time I was scheduled to babysit. Fabulous. 
Now, a time-conscious person would've made their errands quick and been home with plenty of time to spare. But not the Watanabes. We like to live on the edge. Which means checking out at Walmart at 3:52 pm, when you know good and well you live at least 5-10 minutes away from the destination you need to be at within 8 minutes. However, God worked it out, and I was able to get the job done and spend a good 2 hours playing Wii baseball (as well as "real" baseball) and watching Toy Story 3 with a precious toddler.
And finally, the cleaning. Although it is a self-diagnosis, I am semi-obsessive compulsive. And I'm an organizational freak. So when I came home to see the house in complete and total disarray, something had to be done immediately. I flew into action and, 2 hours later, the house was virtually spotless and my stomach virtually empty. Yet another fabulous moment. So I started pulling things out of the fridge, and this is what I came up with:

Here's what you'll need:
1 cup mushrooms
1 large chicken breast, cooked
1 (16 oz.) package Rotini
1/4 cup white wine
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
Italian Seasoning
Olive Oil

Here's what you do:
1. Cook the Rotini as directed on the package
2. While the Rotini cooks, slice the chicken breast and soak the pieces in a bowl containing the wine & balsamic vinegar; set aside
3. Cut the mushrooms in half lengthwise, and then slice normally and place in a bowl
4. Heat some olive oil in a pan and cook the marinaded chicken
5. Pour the leftover marinade over the mushrooms and then toss them in with the chicken, being careful not to add the wine mixture to the pan.
6. Add the cooked chicken and mushrooms to the pasta, and add seasonings to taste

**everything's better with a li'l Parmesan Cheese**

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