Friday, May 20, 2011

It is finished.

Today was OFFICIALLY the last day of my junior year. Meaning junior year is over. Meaning I don't ever have to  take a Chemistry test again in my high school career. Meaning I have one more year until I get to wrap myself in a poly-blend black gown and trip over a mic cord while receiving my diploma. Meaning in a few days, I officially hold the title "SENIOR".
Well...Senior Year promises to be amazing. And Junior Year was pretty great. Here's a little re-cap.

We had a good amount of snow days...

...if you could call them "snow" days.
Between dances,

and chocolate comas in class,

and trips to freezing cold places (with amazing bus drivers),

and looking like freaks,

and lookin' fly,

and looking like men...
...the year rocked.
We made so many memories and I came away having learned quite a few valuable life lessons:
1. They honk a lot in the North for no reason whatsoever. And they don't drink sweet tea.
2. Dickies are hands-down the most uncomfortable things you'll ever clothe yourself with. If you want to feel absolutely horrendous and lower your ego, wear 'em.
3. Save your Valentine's Day candy and DON'T TAKE IT TO SCHOOL. That way, you can eat your way to a pleasant state of chocolate-induced intoxication, and still have some leftover when you get home to take care of the withdrawals.
4. Trying to surf on ice doesn't work. It only works if you're a 4 pound dog who's too scared to jump off the board.
5. Carlos Lebron is the best bus driver ever. Don't ever ride in a bus with anyone else. And Rob is not to be trusted as a tour guide. Especially not when it's raining.

I think that's it...but I hope you were taking notes, because these are things you'll need to remember is you want to survive your junior year at Covenant Classical School. Never again will I need these lessons, but looking back on the experiences that taught them to me makes me want to cry. I loved every moment of this past year and I can't wait to see what the future holds :)

When 2009 is good and gone,
2010 will still live on.
2011 was a good class,
but 2012 will kick

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