Sunday, September 18, 2011


by a drought-stricken countryside filled with open fields and pastures.
by a group of smiling little faces that beam with pleasure at the love of Jesus Christ.
by an amazing God who never ceases to speak to my heart in the most divine ways imaginable.

It all began with a phone call that would change my life. On what I thought would be just another night around the house, I received a phone call from an old family friend with  the spontaneous offer of a mission opportunity. Next thing I knew, I was on my way to a small town in Missouri called Warrensburg where I formed some truly amazing relationships and departed on my most favorite adventure so far. Over the past week, I learned that in thinking you're ministering to others, God finds a way to use them to minister to you. When I clambered into one of three 15-passenger vans, I never imagined that I'd fall in love with a small group of children on a barren reservation in Oklahoma.
The first morning, dozens of smiling faces piled into the sanctuary at Botone Memorial United Methodist Church just as unsure about learning during the upcoming week of Bible school as many of the team was about teaching it. Each leader was acquainted with their group and by the end if the afternoon all of us eagerly awaited the arrival of the next morning. The week progressed smoothly, each day bringing a new day and a new surprise. Each day, one of the younger kids would come up to me and explain to me something he'd enjoyed during the day, and then leave. I didn't know his name or his story but God put in my heart a soft spot for that particular child. Midway through the week, we took the children to the community pool where I fell in love with even more of them. It was there that my heart was captivated by 3 young children named Rebekah, Dre, and Storm. Every few minutes I would hear things such as, "When are you coming back?", "Can you stay with me forever?", or "Will you be my sister?", and my heart broke with each question or comment. By the end of the week, I had a constant smile on my face and on the last day, for the first time (from what I heard) in over a year, it began to rain.
Now for those of you who know me, I hate rain with a fiery passion. Don't get me wrong, I adore the sound and I love to watch it fall, but I cannot stand being caught in it. But as I made a mad dash for the door to get out of the rain, something stopped me and I looked around me at the smiles and tears on the faces of everyone around me. At that second, it really hit me how often I take the little things for granted. For instance, a one dollar candy bar at the concession stand is a regular occurence for me while these children treated it like gold. I treat rain as a hair-ruining, street-blocking, glumness-inducing inconvenience, while in that area, it was a rare blessing.
As I look back and remember the experience--the laughter and the tears--I can only come up with one word to describe the overwhelming sense of love that I feel for that little town in Oklahoma: captivated.

The Little Things in Life

So I'm sure I've blogged about this before, but it's a recurring situation in my life so you'll excuse any redundancy. There are the days (we all know 'em) that just flat out suck, and this week has been sucky on a pretty consistent basis...all week, I've wanted nothing more then some fuzzy socks, sweatpants, and comfort food. Today, I finally lost it and kept my sick self in bed with a book, a candle, and a hot cup of tea in an attempt to heal myself from the woes of the week brought on by the germs that are successfully taking out the high school population one by one. (pardon the obnoxiously long sentence...)
While all these things are well and good, though, I can't help but realize that the things that make me feel the most satisfied are those tiny moments in life in which you can't help but smile. Last night, for instance, I babysat a sweet little boy who I took on a scavenger hunt to pass the time while his mom was gone. While we were out gallivanting through his neighborhood on a search for flowers and bugs, he pointed out to me numerous times how cool the sky looked and how many airplanes were coursing through it. He was enthralled by how incredibly blue the sky was and we spent the last bit of our evening marveling about it over a mug filled with chocolate gelato. And after taking no more then 15 minutes to get ready today, it's nice to hear a friend tell me that I'm still pretty or to hear a chorus of "I hope you feel better, Kristi" as I make my way sluggishly through a crowded hallway. All this to say, I'm so incredibly grateful for the random breath-taking moments that God sneaks into my days when I need them the most.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Back to the Grind

Well, life goes on. Really, really fast. I have yet to complete my blog post about my Oklahoma trip, my SAT date is swiftly approaching, my laundry is piling up by the second, and the dollar amount in my bank account seems to dwindle with every breath. Dramatic, but true.
Nonetheless, the semi-relaxing time of year I like to call Autumn approaches, which is my FAVORITE season for recipes. Warm food is my favorite. Especially when combined with candlelight, an equally warm beverage, & a good book :) I have SO much I could say in this post, but I have SO much to do, so I'll stick to the recipe I tried this evening. It's Honey Soy Grilled Salmon, but I'm not even going to bother citing the original recipe because I toyed with it more then usual.

Here's what you'll need:
2 lbs. Fresh Salmon fillets
1/8 cup Parsley Flakes
1/8 cup Mint Flakes
2 teaspoons Sesame Oil
1 teaspoon ground Ginger
Sea Salt and freshly ground Pepper
2 teaspoons freshly squeezed Lime or Lemon Juice, plus extra for seasoning
2 teaspoons Soy Sauce
2 teaspoons Honey
1/2 teaspoon Sesame Seeds

Here's what you do:
yummy :)
1. Cut two slits into each salmon fillet, about 1/2 inch away from each end
2. Mix mint, parsley, sesame oil, & ginger and stuff mixture into the slits in each salmon fillet
3. Season fish with salt & pepper and broil, stuffed side up, for 3-4 minutes

4. Meanwhile, combine the lime or lemon juice, soy sauce, & honey and stir until smooth
5. Turn salmon over and baste with soy sauce mixture, broil for 2 more minutes, re-baste, and broil for another minute
6. Sprinkle sesame seeds over stuffed side of salmon and serve with veggies