Thursday, January 2, 2014

Another Year

Another year has come and gone, and per usual I'm looking back at it (through a piercing headache) and seeing nothing but a blur of memories, successes, and a substantial spattering of questionable choices.
This year I fell in love, hopped in and out of multiple jobs, and, most importantly, threw myself into an independent lifestyle--I wouldn't give up a single second of 2013.
This time last year I was in Hawaii with my family laughing, eating, and wrestling my phone out of the hands of my then 3 year old cousin. Today I'm sitting at my desk wrapped in a towel playing with my cat Boo and thinking about my outfit for work later.
In that span of time I've met and lost some of the most beautiful people and experienced the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Here's a quick photo recap of the past year.

Columbus River Walk

Night Out at Montreat
Valentine's Day with Keisha

Julia's Baby Shower

The day Liz & I got random piercings...spring break.

Halloween in Hawaii

The best roommate I could've asked for.

Philly trip for my WWC boys

Lost this beauty--not a day goes by when I don't miss her

Leigh & Max's engagement party

Saying goodbye to Dezaree

Mothers' Day

My bestfriend & roomie

Summertime with the family

And memorable summer nights with Elizabeth ;)

July 4th with the kiddos!

Mom's Birthday

First 5K!

Family Dinner

Georgie's Birthday

The best big brother life could've given me

Loves of my life

Dad's birthday dinner

Sick li'l Toby--so glad he made it another year
There are so many memories I could talk about and so many pictures I could hunt for, but I'm satisfied recapping my year with the ones above.
2013 wasn't perfect, and 2014 won't be either. This is real life, and we've all made it this far. So congratulations, y'all--here's to another blessed year filled with ups and downs, joy and sorrow, love and hate, and triumphs and trials. Let's do this thing.